Bill Weld’s experience with the Libertarian Party is all too common. – Person has libertarian-leaning beliefs. –...
I will be recording an election special today to give you a We Are Libertarians-level amount of stats, races to watch, and predictions for...
I have been banned by Facebook for 30 days. Lil’ ole’ outrageous me. I’ve been banned once before, so the previous...
Stop being manipulated.
The deplatforming of Alex Jones has me fired up. Why? I was 18 when 9-11, and I then became active in politics. I lived through the lead up...
From Chris Spangle: Thanks for making 2017 our best year ever. We added 1,000 subscribers every month. Our Patreon nearly has 100...
A friend recently asked me to boil down the Russian-Trump investigations. What were the smoking guns? What had he supposedly done wrong...
Lookout fam… The internet is about to be filled with foreign policy experts. The truth is that no one knows how the Arab street will...
Liberals give me grief when I say it’s wise to wait a day or two to comment on a mass shooting event out of respect for victims, and to...
I ranted a couple years ago on We Are Libertarians about the trend to switch prayers to “healing vibes” on social media...
What the left doesn’t want you to realize: It’s moderate Democrats in swing states that keep gun control legislation from...
Airing an argument over gun control gets better ratings than a conversation on mental health and that every human being has the capacity...
I love and respect our Flag, Anthem, and nation because of American values embodied in the Declaration, Constitution, and the Bill of...
TV News isn’t journalism, so we need to stop pretending it is. At best, it is entertainment, and at worst it is propaganda. Either...