Sound Smarter. Improve Yourself. Liberate Your Community.

We help listeners understand current events to empower them to improve their lives while liberating their communities. In the process, we are building relationships that keep each of us sane. With a group of cohosts from across the political spectrum, we toss out the screaming heads and put people before political parties. We give you the tools to think differently in a world with more than Team Red & Blue.

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The We Are Libertarians Podcast Network

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The Chris Spangle Show helps you make sense of current events, politics, and culture through the lenses of Christian faith and libertarian principles. With sharp analysis, historical insight, and relatable conversations, Chris offers clarity in chaos - encouraging personal responsibility, civic action, and thoughtful engagement with the world around us. Rejecting tribalism and top-down control, the show challenges you to lead with conviction, serve others, and live out the values that sustain a free and thriving society. Join us to defend liberty, strengthen your community, and renew culture - one conversation at a time.

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis discuss the happenings of their rural Indiana county week to week. The Boss Hog of Liberty is a local show with a national impact, because everyone in the world lives in a county similar to theirs. The crew details their lives and gives interview opportunities to the world's top experts in politics, policy, economics, and anything else they find interesting!

Liberty Explained is your guide to libertarianism. Chris Spangle takes your questions about libertarianism applied to politics and culture. Please send your questions to

Chris Spangle and Matt Wittlief are history nuts and news junkies. Often, modern political debates fail to see parallels in the past, so they've embarked on a long journey from antiquity to the present to illustrate where our ancestors can help us build a better future. Subscribe now to the History of Modern Politics to get the full backstory on our current events.

Two episodes a month are now available to subscribers of WAL Plus or at HistoryofModernPolitics.Com or subscribe to the public podcast feed to get episodes in 2022.

Profiles in Liberty is a podcast dedicated to telling the story of liberty and all the heroic figures that have made the world a freer place. Each week, we explore the lives of ordinary people who made extraordinary stands for liberty. Seasonal episodes air on Thursdays.

The Paradocsย is a fun and lively discussion with a couple of docs on the practice of medicine. Occasionally serious, usually lighthearted, and accidentally informative. A show for physicians to learn more about what is going on and a great place for them to direct their friends and family to better understand the challenges they face.

Eric Larson, MD is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Eric is in private practice and is board certified in anesthesiology where he specializes in ambulatory, perioperative acute pain, and general anesthesia. He works in the Grand Rapids, MI area and is married to a pediatrician with whom he has three children and one foster son (now grown and soon moved out of the house).

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