
News, commentary, and interesting links from We Are Libertarians contributors.


Political Parties: I Am Finished.

I am finished with political parties. I am finished with political parties. I have been saying this for a while, but have not said it so publicly...


16 Liberty Action Items for ’16

This article was featured at and their weekly newsletter, The Liberator Online. “What can I do to help?” This is...

Making An Opportunity

This article was featured at and their weekly newsletter, The Liberator Online.. The Internet is abuzz about the Netflix documentary...


What Sucks About Ladies’ Night?

  Be warned. This post is not political.   Do you know what sucks about Ladies’ Night? I’m inebriated, and for all intents and purposes I...


Lee’s Chi-raq an Ode to Gun Control

Nobody wanted Chi-raq to be a good movie more than I did. I wanted it to be the best movie. As an extra in the film – alternating between the...


Lenz: The Road to Paris

Sayyid Qutb: Born in 1906, Qutb received both a Western and Islamic education, and in the 1930s he became a civil servant in Egypt’s education...

Lenz: Libertarians For Bernie?

One of the most perplexing trends of the 2016 election cycle has been the amount of libertarian support I have witnessed for Vermont Senator...


Episode 30!

Jason and Joe Celebrate 30 Episodes in Typical CAP Fashion! Listen Here:

Podcast: Download


How Do We End These Tragedies?

In this age of oversaturated words, they lose their meaning. Days like this make us FEEL “disturbing” and “outrage.” We spend way too much time on...

