BNS BONUS: Brian Nichols on “Your Better Life Podcast” (How Brian Nichols Turned the Tables on Obesity)

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Usually we discuss politics here on The Brian Nichols Show, but in a few past episodes, we’ve focused on some other topics, like how to find happiness (with Tim Preuss) and living “Your Better Life” (with Gary Collins). Today, we’re sticking with that theme, only this time, it’s my appearance on someone else’s show…

Today is my appearance on Amazon best-selling author Gary Collin’s podcast, the “Your Better Life Podcast”! Listen as I discuss my personal battle with obesity and my ultimately losing 180lbs!

Gary’s Appearance on The Brian Nichols Show:

From Your Better Life Podcast (

Brian Nichols host, of The Brian Nichols Show, drops by for a chat. Brain shares how he lost 180 pounds and is now focused on being as healthy as he possibly can be. He has not only changed his health, but most importantly changed his life.

Topics Discussed with Brian Nichols:
-A bit about Brian
-What is the Brian Nichols Show and what is it about
-Brian’s childhood and how he became obese
-Dealing with being overweight and the obstacles he faced
-Brian’s wake up call that made him take action
-Our broken healthcare system
-How he lost 180 pounds
-His shift in mindset outside of just losing the weight
-Why taking charge of your life is the key to happiness
-His new lease on life and his new direction
-His advice for those fighting being overweight

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