BNS 140: Running an International Company During a Global Pandemic -with Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty Industries

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The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent government lockdowns has had a massive impact on the global economy. Couple that with trying to do business with Communist regimes like China, and running a global corporation can be incredibly taxing in 2020.

Lewis Black, CEO of Almonty Industries, joins the show to discuss the U.S. trade economy, the impact of the COVID lockdowns on business, and China’s economics strategies, and more!

Lewis’ Bio: Lewis Black
Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Black is currently a Partner of Almonty Partners LLC and has over 10 years of experience in the tungsten mining industry. From June 2005 to December 2007, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Primary Metals Inc. (“PMI”), a former TSX-V listed tungsten mining company. Mr. Black also formerly served as head of sales and marketing for SC Mining Tungsten, Thailand.

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