One of the barometers of a man’s character is his wife. I appreciate all of the Democratic hubbys. Elizabeth Edwards, Michelle Obama, and...
The Sample Gates: The Opinion Page of the IDS. Chase Cooper and I were best friends in elementary school, lol. Indy Benchwarmers: A sports...
Time is running out to make your decision. March 11, 2008 is Election Day. You have to be registered by Febuary 11! Andre Carson (D) Jon...
Put on your Desmond Morris hat: All blue-eyed people can be traced back to one ancestor who lived 10,000 years ago near the Black Sea...
This is an interview I did in November with the son of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott-King. He looks just like MLK, and it was...
This was passed along to my by my good friend Dave Bond… Check it out: Dear Fellow Hoosiers: It’s time again, to rally and converge upon...
I have a question for you readers… Please leave comments. You can post anonymously, so please let me know what you REALLY think, and what...
I found an interesting article at The Atlantic that is definitely worth a look while we canonize Benazir Bhutto. A couple paragraphs are...
I am about to post something I should not be posting: The first show I hosted. This was recorded in April of 2005, and it’s horrible. Enjoy!
Sorry if this is too inside baseball for some. If you aren’t sure what’s up, check out Advance Indiana. I am sitting here reading all of...
A local blogger, the Scribe, has named me as a contributor to IndyU. Alas, no. I wish I were that connected. I am truly honored to be...
One of the most wise elements of the American system is the concept of Checks and Balances. Most people only apply this theory to the three...
I know you’ll be surprised to learn that there is tension this morning between (possibly) Jen Wagner, Communications Director of the...
Episode 5: Only a day after announcing his candidacy, leaks of Larry’s past have started sprouting. Then the Candidate calls in to defend...