Ok… You might be thinking, “Government is force? Taxation is theft? This sounds a little far fetched.” But isn’t history...
In a world of self-government, how is the world ordered? Take a look at the video below, or think about the statements below: ...
Libertarians aren’t hard to understand. David Boaz in his book Libertarianism: A Primer outlines the key concepts of the philosophy:...
By David Bergland Here are some frequently asked questions about political issues. Each question is followed by a short, typical response...
(By Harry Browne – Originally Published by WorldNetDaily.com in 2001.) It can be instructive to look at the breakthrough products of...
(By Marshall Fritz, Founder of the Advocates for Self-Government Originally published in The Fresno Bee, Sunday, September 4, 1988.) David...
The world is full of of individuals interacting each other. And how do you put your principles at work when interacting with others? Watch...
(By Mark and Jo Ann Skousen) Sometimes a single book or even a short cogent essay can change an individual’s entire outlook on life...
(Originally Published by Howey Politics Indiana) As a young Executive Director for the Libertarian Party of Indiana, I didn’t have an...
(Originally Published by Howey Politics Indiana) Over the last week, terrible and awesome events have grabbed our headlines. The first was...
Which type of health care system would you prefer? – Personal, Self-Reliant, Controlled costs, Voluntary, Effective, Giving vs...
Most commentators today are missing the point of the Cruz “filibuster.” Many are acting horrified that a politician would be...
The American family makes less than it did in 1989. (wapo.st/1bBiYoe) Over the last 4 years, American families have seen a drop of $3,040...
FEE is one of the most innovative libertarian think tanks operating today. They are consistently trying to find ways to do things...