CSS: The FTX Scandal and Elon Musk’s Future with Twitter

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FTX is a crypto trading market that has filed for bankruptcy due to stunning mismanagement at the scale of a Bernie Madoff-like scam. James Czerniawski joins me to explain the basics, and we also cover the future of Twitter under Elon Musk’s ownership. 

James Czerniawski is a Senior Policy Analyst at Americans for Prosperity, a national think tank in DC with 35 state chapters around the country. He writes about Section 230, antitrust, consumer data privacy, cybersecurity, and technology and innovation issues. He is a Young Voices Contributor. 

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Chris Spangle and Leaders and Legends, LLC edited and produced this podcast. If you’re interested in starting a podcast or taking yours to the next level, please contact us at LeadersAndLegends.net.


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