CSS: Ending the Stigma and Shame Surrounding Miscarriages

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Over the last few months, my wife and I have experienced five miscarriages. We decided to be open about it because we need the support of friends and family, and we felt being open about it would contribute to the end of the stigma around losing a child. My guest Emma Ping of Selah’s Grace Ministries, started a nonprofit to do that same thing.

Jennifer Kitzmiller of Indianapolis Arts Chorale also joins us to talk about their event Break the Silence: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness, a musical candlelight vigil for those seeking a space for pain and grief, remembrance and honor, solace and hope but, most of all, love. – www.eventbrite.com/o/indianapolis-arts-chorale-15774369012?fbclid=IwAR1-Qc_gvw3aVqwzMGVaz6MufrDDYOGXSILJwhi241gJCruFK_Rf3tPk3oc

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Chris Spangle and Leaders and Legends, LLC edited and produced this podcast. If you’re interested in starting a podcast or taking yours to the next level, please contact us at LeadersAndLegends.net.


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