In a speech to the Libertarian Party of Indiana in 2011, Michael Munger explains the “destination vs. direction” fight that exists in the...
Marshall Fritz asks listeners to examine their principles through a series of questions. This comes from one of the best presentations on the basics...
Chris Spangle, Greg Lenz, and Brett “Never” Bittner walk our listeners through the libertarian movement. See our guide to the libertarian...
Chris Spangle, Greg Lenz, and Brett Bittner outline the foundational principles of libertarianism. See here. See the Path to...
Libertarianism seems like a complex political philosophy. It isn’t difficult to understand. It comes down to three big ideas. Before you...
Think deeper about the quiz by visiting here.
Or go to the first big idea on the path to libertarianism.
If you’re on this page, you’ve take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. It is a simple, 10 question quiz designed to help you narrow your political...
Ok… You might be thinking, “Government is force? Taxation is theft? This sounds a little far fetched.” But isn’t history the...
In a world of self-government, how is the world ordered? Take a look at the video below, or think about the statements below: Consider a...
Libertarians aren’t hard to understand. David Boaz in his book Libertarianism: A Primer outlines the key concepts of the philosophy:...
By David Bergland Here are some frequently asked questions about political issues. Each question is followed by a short, typical response from a...
(By Harry Browne – Originally Published by in 2001.) It can be instructive to look at the breakthrough products of the past...
(By Marshall Fritz, Founder of the Advocates for Self-Government Originally published in The Fresno Bee, Sunday, September 4, 1988.) David Nolan felt...
The world is full of of individuals interacting each other. And how do you put your principles at work when interacting with others? Watch this...