BNS 459: Fighting Addiction with The Freedom Model (with Mark Scheeren)

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For those influenced by our recovery-centered culture for decades – which includes just about everyone in America today – The Freedom Model opens your eyes to the truth that the conventional view of addiction is patently false and addiction is really just another word for habits based on learned preferences. Addiction is a cultural construct based on a host of myths, junk-science, misinformation, fear, lies, and shaming. All of this is harmful to any individual’s belief that they have the ability to change their habits for the better.

The Freedom Model rejects these myths, damaging rhetoric, and tactics meant to coerce and create forced abstinence in the user. The Freedom Model helps each person bring their innate power of choice back front and center by challenging all of the pillars of addiction myths our society has constructed.

Today, Mark Scheerenm, Chairman of Baldwin Research Institute and author of The Freedom Model for Addictions joins the program to show how embracing freedom and autonomy over one’s self can help us shatter our old, outdated, recovery-centered culture in lieu of real results.

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