(H/T from my pal Marc… Thoughts? CYA post? Clarification? Comment Below.) An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore Sunday, August 31st...
For the last eight years, the opposition party, the Democrats, have rooted for the failure of America. They have rooted for the War in in...
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it...
Andy Horning and Dave Bond were on the show this morning. They explained why there will be a rally tomorrow at 10 AM at the Governor’s...
Clear Channel learns it’s lesson from Stern, and signs Rush Limbaugh through 2016 to the tune of $400 million dollars. Why? When Howard...
John McCain’s largest plank in his reform platform is the elimination of earmarks. As any politician does, he says one thing and then does...
1 PM Update: Ran into Dr. Woody Meyers. He is a delegate. His only future Political plans were to come into the convention and vote as a...
Who is more like Ronald Reagan? John McCain and George Bush or Ron Paul and Bob Barr? In Fact, here is the entire speech. We’d be wise to...
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From the Failed Policies of the Past File: Mike O’Connor may step down later this summer as Marion County Democratic Chairman. His...
The main theme of the Obama campaign is CHANGE!. America can cast off the “failed policies of the past” and finally prosper thanks to the...
Here is a comparison of the policy positions of Ron Paul and Bob Barr, courtesy of Third Party Watch. Non-interventionism Ron Paul: “Non...
The passing of Tim Russert is a sad event in American Government. The media’s job is to challenge politicians on their words. No one does...
Please help Mike Pence bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act to pass. If your representative has not signed on, PLEASE CALL THEIR OFFICE TODAY...