394: Q&A with Jeff Bennett – Private Police in Libertarian Society, Protecting the Economically Disadvantaged, Central Banking | The Path To Libertarianism

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Chris Spangle, Harry Price, Rhinehold, and Hodey Johns answer the following questions fro Jeff Bennett in another installment of The Path To Libertarianism Q&A.

  1. 00:23:09 – in a Libertarian Utopia how does policing work or how are major crimes (murder, grand theft) handled? Is policing centralized or multiple entities more like private security? If it is separate entities how does punishment work?
  2. 00:45:24 – going off of the Survival of the Fittest convo, how do Libertarians avoid “the rich getting richer and the poor poorer” when everything is privatized. (Due to the poor not being able to afford the same private services as the rich)
  3. 00:59:50 – how do public services, most specifically roads, street lights, and public access ways work in Libertarian environment?
  4. 00:1:12:03 – how does currency / central banking work? Is gold the standard? Is cryptocurrency the answer?
  5. 00:1:27:42 – I don’t believe that our society could go completely Lib overnight and that it would take some evolving to a truly libertarian society in America. How does the party band together to start making the changes needed to lay the groundwork for the future and what do those steps look like?

Video – youtu.be/g8A6uhR8xbs

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