About Liberty & Chill
Let’s say you’re thirty and have just moved to a new town. You don’t have friends or family there. How do you make friends? Unless you’re religious, it is virtually impossible. Heck, most of us feel isolated in communities that we’ve called home our entire lives. At We Are Libertarians, we believe this lack of community is slowly choking the life out of our country and killing the soul of its residents.
We encourage our listeners to set up weekly gatherings in their community at a place where friends can gather to share drinks and dinners. We don’t adhere to the old adage of not talking about politics or religion. On the contrary, we encourage people of all political ideologies, religions, races, colors or creeds to attend. By discussing points of disagreement in a polite manner, we grow as people and our communities grow stronger.
Start Your Own!
We have held Liberty & Chill’s in Indianapolis for years in Indianapolis. We have a few tips for success:
- It has to be held weekly at the same time and same location. One person usually has to commit to organizing it and being consistent for a couple of months, but eventually, a group of regulars shows up and the time commitment lessens as the group maintains the momentum. Bottom line: Make it predictable and easy.
- Make sure there is food! While we often have had decent success at breweries, half of the attendees usually don’t drink.
- Talk to the general manager of the location to let them know what you’re up to and let them know you’re promoting their location.
- The meetup doesn’t have to be centered around drinking. Plan it at a family-friendly location if you’re looking for something more wholesome.
- Some sort of activity can help keep people coming back. Some like ice breaker games. Others have full-scale gaming during their L&C.
- Creating a weekly Facebook Event is absolutely key. People forget otherwise.
- Welcoming all is absolutely key. This isn’t a libertarian meetup. It is an opportunity to create friendships for those that attend first.
- You’re free to use the L&C logo to promote your event. We only ask that you represent us well. We can also make a flyer for you as well. Other than these assets and a Facebook page/group to organize events, there is little else needed to make a successful group work!
- Download the logo here.
Need a Flyer?

Current L&C Groups
Indianapolis, Indiana
Every Friday Night at 6:30 PM
Location: Triton Brewing Company
Address: 5764 Wheeler Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46216
Organizer: Paul Copeland – www.facebook.com/paul.copeland.7796
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Second Wednesday of the Month at 7 PM
Location: 816 Pint & Slice
Address: 816 S Calhoun St, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Organizer: Kristi Avery – www.facebook.com/KristiAvery
Email us to add your group! editor@wearelibertarians.com