16 Liberty Action Items for ’16
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“What can I do to help?”
This is LITERALLY my favorite question to be asked, because I can always share SOMETHING that can be done. There’s certainly something for everyone.
Here, I’ve compiled a list of 16 action-oriented items for you to share with your liberty-minded friends:
Seek out a group of like-minded people in your area. America’s Future Foundation, The Bastiat Society, and Liberty on the Rocks are all easy ways to network with liberty-minded people, though any civic organization will be helpful.
- Seek out a group with whom you frequently disagree. I’m not suggesting that you crash their events, rather I suggest you go to listen to a different perspective.
- Identify a candidate for office that you wholeheartedly support, and campaign for him/her.
- Run for an elected office where you could serve with passion. A passion for liberty and a passion for the duties of the office will make your service fulfilling.
- Affiliate with a local group of organized, engaged, civics-minded citizens.
- Pick one issue to speak, write, or advocate for effectively.
- Write a monthly letter to the editor about the libertarian perspective on the topic du jour.
- Embrace a “disruptive” technology or innovation. 3-D printing, Uber, Bitcoin, AirBNB all come to mind.
- Adopt a new “favorite” columnist. In the age of the Internet, it should be easy to find a new writer that you enjoy reading.
- When discussing libertarian thought and philosophy, focus on what Liberty offers, rather than focusing on your desire for it. “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.”
- Pick a charity to support with your time, talent, or treasure.
- Donate to candidates and organizations that you support.
- Choose an issue to wave signs, go to a rally, or volunteer to spread the word about.
- Find one thing that you can do that will make a positive, lasting difference in the life of one person. It’s easier than you think.
- Be nice to everyone, no matter how they treat you.
- Do all of the above, and be a shining example of libertarians everywhere.
I look forward to seeing the change you create in 2016!