WAL Produces Two More Presidential Debates 

We Are Libertarians has been tapped to produce two more Presidential debates ahead of the selection of the nominee by delegates in just a few days. Since Hodey Johns hosted the first debates over a year ago, we’ve been committed to informing delegates of their upcoming choice.

Tonight, the Lions of Liberty will host a debate with the following candidates: 
– Jacob Hornberger (Most Straw Poll Wins)
– Vermin Supreme for President (Most LP Recruitments)
– Jo Jorgensen for President(Tied in our Patreon fan vote)
– Adam Kokesh (Tied in our Patreon fan vote)
– Judge Jim Gray (fan vote runner up!)

Watch it at the Lions Of Liberty or We Are Libertarians Facebook page. 

On Wednesday night, the LPKY will host its 7th and final debate. From the delegate-only exit poll from LPKY’s 6th Debate (May 16), three candidates were selected to move forward to the final LPKY debate.

The participating candidates will be Jo Jorgensen, John Monds, and Judge Jim Gray.

Please join us Wednesday, May 20th for LPKY’s final debate, moderated by Chris Wiest, state party chair, and produced by We Are Libertarians.

Special thanks to New Jersey Libertarian Party.

Watch it on the We Are Libertarians Facebook Page or YouTube. 

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