Spangle: How Much Blame should the GOP get for the NSA Scandal?

Republicans, you know how mad you are at Obama for this NSA phone tapping scandal? Let’s look at the politicians you vote for.

Let’s take current Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a so-called champion of liberty. Take a look at this, and then start asking them questions:

“Congressman Pence voted yes on allowing federal government electronic surveillance without a warrant (September 2006), voted against requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps (March 2008), and voted for the REAL ID Act (February 2005). He voted for the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001 and voted to make it permanent in 2005. In 2005 and 2006, Pence voted for the Military Commissions Act, voted for the Electronic Surveillence Modernization Act, and voted against a resolution to ban inhumane treatment (torture) of detainees held by U.S. forces.” -

“The Patriot Act is essential to our continued success in the war on terror here at home.” – Mike Pence

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Chris Spangle is the host of the Chris Spangle Show, History of Modern Politics, and Liberty Explained, podcasts on the We Are Libertarians Podcast Network. He is also the co-host of the Patdown podcast, a comedy podcast with comedians Ms. Pat and Deon Curry. Chris Spangle has been podcasting since 2007, and now teaches podcasting at He also hosts the public affairs radio show “We Thought You Might Like To Know...” on Indiana radio stations which focuses on nonprofits.

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