CSS: Fixing The Southwestern Water Crisis Through Incentive-Based Solutions with Micah Safsten

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The Great Salt Lake is like many bodies of water in the west: it’s depleted. To fix this, locals are considering how to fix the problem, and the “public trust” legal doctrine has popped up. Micah Safsten argues that treating waterways like public utilities disincentivizes users and creates less conservation.

Micah Safsten works as communications and outreach coordinator at the Utah Water Research Laboratory. He is also a contributor for Young Voices, where he writes about natural resources policy and water in the west. His views do not necessarily represent those of his employer.

Micah Safsten: Proper incentives will save the Great Salt Lake, not the Public Trust Doctrine – www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2022/11/03/micah-safsten-proper-incentives/

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Chris Spangle and Leaders and Legends, LLC edited and produced this podcast. If you’re interested in starting a podcast or taking yours to the next level, please contact us at LeadersAndLegends.net.


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