BHOL 95: Taxes for Bad Behavior? NFL Playoff update! New County Goverment

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Episode 95 of Boss Hog of Liberty, sponsored by Montgomery’s Steakhouse is now available!

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis host a “host only special”. Kade Koger, Chase Peyton, and producer Chris Guffey are in the room!

The government is still shut down. We have a brand new congress, perhaps one of the most diverse in the history of our country. What does it mean?

The Indiana General Assembly is back and bills are being filed. Dakota previews the bills the show plans to track through the process. Jeremiah takes exception to a bill designed to provide a tax credit to gun owners. Kade is concerned about the Chamber of Commerce wanting to add $2 a pack to cigarettes. The big question of the day, should government taxation be designed to encourage behavior?

Chase Peyton is on the sports desk. VERY upset over the Bears losing the Eagles. Everyone tried to make him feel better… Very unsuccessful.

Finally, the hosts covered the re-organization meeting of the Henry County Council. Listen for the BREAKING news!

Great show! Enjoy!

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