BHOL 134: Candidate Series – Walden & Guffey – Ward 3

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Great episode of Boss Hog of Liberty!

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis host the city of New Castle Ward 3 candidate night. Incumbent Jerry Walden and challenger Chris Guffey. What does the next four years look like for our town? Should the city be investing in new buildings? We talk 1400 Plaza TIF district, the Castle Theatre, and the Armory.

Long term, what does the city look like? Could state road 3 be more walkable? Eliminate a driving lane, and add a walking/bike path? What would the reaction to that be?

In local news, the County is holding a meeting this THURSDAY discussing the likely increase of income taxes to pay for a potential new jail facilty. Will anyone vote against it? Will anyone speak against it?

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