This note from Sean Shepard: Hi there,Sean Shepard has invited you to The Indianapolis Bob Barr ForPresident Meetup. Sean Shepard...
I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet, but it seems like a video most of our audience would be interested in. This is a note from...
This race has been over for a while now. It officially ended yesterday. Everyone knows it. Except Hillary keeps going on. It’s a lot like...
People of the second district, we need to talk. Maybe you don’t get Abdul in the Morning. Maybe your internet service provider doesn’t...
Still No Lake County. They closed 45 minutes ago. This could mean a major shft in Presidential, but Obama is still down 20,000ish… I...
Go to those two sites, and notice a few things: The disparity between Marion County Voters, and those of the rest of the State. Look at the...
Remember, In Indiana, Center Township’s precincts are always the last to be counted. Obama has a strong base of support here due to...
A quick thought… Indiana and North Carolina vote today. If the pundits predict correctly, HRC will win here, and Barack will win N.C...
Ten Years ago today…. There’s an article from the...
Term Limits.
Two Problems with this NYT story: 1. Broad Ripple in the middle of a weekday isn’t really a great representation of Indiana. The Broad...
Mike Kole, former Libertarian candidate for S.O.S., has a good blog on Operation Chaos. Read it here: Here...
I read 50 things at once because I have ADD. Here are some books I am reading and recommend. Please comment if you’ve read. The Revolution:...
Then check out the Libertarian candidate for Governor: Andy Horning!