BHOL 257: Time Capsule; Devon Guffey/Fishing; A Tornado Hit Home

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Episode 257 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out!

Jeremiah Morrell, Dakota Davis, Zach Burcham, and newcomer to the podcast Devon Guffey are in the house. Bicentennial events are happening every weekend! We talk about the time capsule opening, what went right, what went wrong, and what has to happen for the one getting buried in a few weeks! Devon is a successful tournament fisherman, we get a glimpse into what makes that happen. How tournaments work, if electronics make a difference, and if he would ever consider getting his boat wrapped with his social media following.

Finally, Rush County had a tornado strike, and it dropped right on top of Jeremiahโ€™s parents house. Thankfully nobody was injured, but there was significant damage to houses in the area. Jeremiah and the family are BLOWN away at the community response immediately after the tornado.ย 

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