416: COVID-19 – Nonprofit Responses to the Pandemic and Economic Crisis

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Chris Spangle speaks to several nonprofits and businesses about their efforts to deal with the ongoing humanitarian crisis happening around America. These interviews originated on his public affairs program “Now Hear This.” This is a good look at what is happening on the ground in a major American city.

00:04:39 – Tina Cloer of Childrens Bureau on Rising Child Abuse and Project Courage to Shelter Children

While reports of child abuse are down, incidents of abuse are increasing in the COVID-19 pandemic. Tina Cloer is the CEO of the Children’s Bureau joins us to discuss their efforts in helping children and families financially, monitoring at-risk children, and their Project Courage shelters that house children while their parents and guardians fight the coronavirus. Support their work at www.childrensbureau.org/.

00:19:16 – Jay Height of Shepherd Community Center On The Need In the Near Eastside

The Executive Director of the Shepherd Community Center Jay Height joins us to share what is happening on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis. They’ve put in place a 120 day response plan that focuses on five areas: food security, financial stability, medical monitoring, e-learning for students, and fighting social isolation. Support them and learn more at their website: www.shepherdcommunity.org/.

00:34:07 – Danielle Cooney of Soupremacy on Providing Meals To Medical Teams

Soupremacy General Manager Danielle Cooney joins us to discuss their efforts to feed the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as families hit hard economically. Support their efforts at soupremacy.com/.

00:45:24 – Kids’ Voice of Indiana on Child Custody and Parenting Time Issues During the Pandemic

Can a parent deny parenting time to another parent? What if parents live across state lines? What if a parent is an essential worker and exposed to coronavirus? We are joined by Lindsay Scott, the President/CEO of Kids’ Voice of Indiana, and Katie Kelsey, Director of the Children’s Law Center of Indiana to discuss custody issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit their website: www.kidsvoicein.org/

00:01:13:47 – Chad Priest, Chief Executive Officer of American Red Cross Indiana on Blood Shortages

Over 4,000 blood donation drives have been canceled and the blood supply is critically low across the country. Surgery and emergency patients are greatly at risk due to this, and they are calling for volunteers to help work virtually to arrange drives. They will keep everyone safe during a drive as well. COVID-19 does NOT spread through the blood. They desperately need blood drives organized in every community around the country. They will also need help responding during the approaching tornado season. Visit redcross.org/ to donate or to organize a blood drive.

Subscribe to Now Heart This: www.nowhearthisindy.com/

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