While watching McCain’s speech last night, I couldn’t believe they put McCain in front of a mansion with a GREEN lawn… Gawker best describes my thoughts:
“While watching the McCain speech last night, we suddenly noticed the big video screen background (which only looked cool when it was neat rippling water behind Rudy Giuliani) suddenly shifted to what looked like a greenscreen. Oh wow what a stupid and terrible f-up, we thought. Because everyone remembers what happened last time! It turns out the f-up was so, so much bigger and more hilarious: it was not a greeenscreen. It was a lawn in front of a mansion-looking building. Which was a middle school, called Walter Reed. Let’s actually try to itemize the f-ups here:
- It looked like a greenscreen.
- Then it looked like maybe one of John McCain’s many, many giant houses.
- No, it turns out it was a middle school called Walter Reed, but it wassupposed to be a photo of Walter Reed Hospital.
- Walter Reed Hospital, of course, being the scene of yet another horrible f-up by the Republicans. Why did they want to remind anyone of Walter Reed in the first place??
- Also the middle school is in Hollywood.
Beautiful work, everyone.”