For the last eight years, the opposition party, the Democrats, have rooted for the failure of America. They have rooted for the War in in Iraq to fail. Now that the shift in administration policy has resulted in less deaths in Iraq, the Democrats are silent on the subject. Economic numbers have been twisted to seem worse than the reality. Some liberal pundits flat out lie about the state of our economy. There is no doubt that the average American is struggling, and cash is less available. But I sensed a serious deflation in the liberal community when the Labor and Commerce department released some decent news. “Damn, things aren’t as bad as we’d like!”
Now Michael Moore gleafully states, “I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.”
Over 1,800 people died in Katrina, and lives all along the Gulf coast were destroyed. Moore’s words speak for themselves.
Unfortunately, as the GOP finds their way into the minority in the next few years, the will also root for the destruction of America. The line between a Republican and a Democrat is razor thin.
Check your rhetoric. If you find yourself cheering on the destruction of lives or economies or nations, then maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself.
BTW, here is former DNC Chairman Don Fowler having a laugh at the expense of New Orleans.