On Ballard and his Dance Card

I know you’ll be surprised to learn that there is tension this morning between (possibly) Jen Wagner, Communications Director of the State’s Democratic party, and activist Melyssa Donaghy of the Hoosiers for Fair Taxation. Melyssa is disappointed that she and some others have not been given some credit that they probably deserve. Un-returned phone calls, un-answered emails, and un-requited requests are making the tax protesters lonely.

You can read Melyssa’s comments here:

And Gary Welsh’s analysis here:

And a new website, www.accidentalmayor.com/. It gives Melyssa and the Tax Protesters a dig. This is rumored to be Jenn Wagner, but I don’t know that for sure.

My Analysis:
I was at the party that Melyssa is referring to. In fact, other than Tully, I was the only member of the media that was there. (You can listen to the podcast of these speeches on the WXNT podcast feed.) It was about 1,000 Republicans gathered to hear the Governor and John Kasich. This was a fund raiser for the GOP.It wasn’t a cozy party with people in gaudy holiday sweaters. It was a thousand people at a big catered dinner to raise money for the GOP.
Ballard was the darling of the ball. And he wasn’t kissing butt, asking people to support him. He was there being chased, and wasn’t having to chase others. I would tend to agree that a lot of the State Party’s donors, those that spent Monday evening schmoozing Ballard, denied him before November 5th… And his speech from that night is a MUST LISTEN. He mentions several times that he did not have any money for his campaign. There were telling looks at every table. I think if Melyssa and other activists heard this, they’d cheer at his comments.
But, he is the leader of a Billion dollar corporation now, and must make some new contacts and friends. Powerful friends. To bring about the change that Indianapolis needs, you have to know those who have wielded power. Lobbyists, King Makers, and business donors are not a bad thing for politics as long as the person elected understands that he is there to represent the people who elected him. He isn’t there to make new campaign donors.

A fundamental truth in politics and life is that more money equals more access and power. BUT, Imagine Ballard as Eve in the garden. While some serpents may crawl near and whisper enticing propositions in his ear over the next few years, those serpents are only as powerful as Ballard’s choices.

Ballard will never forget having to go to the smallest neighborhood meetings to let ANYONE know that he existed. Relax. The average person doesn’t need a seat at the table because of who Ballard is and where he comes from. When you’ve been scorned by someone, you don’t forget, even if you forgive.

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Chris Spangle is the host of the Chris Spangle Show, History of Modern Politics, and Liberty Explained, podcasts on the We Are Libertarians Podcast Network. He is also the co-host of the Patdown podcast, a comedy podcast with comedians Ms. Pat and Deon Curry. Chris Spangle has been podcasting since 2007, and now teaches podcasting at PodcastingAndPlatforms.com. He also hosts the public affairs radio show “We Thought You Might Like To Know...” on Indiana radio stations which focuses on nonprofits.

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