Dear Boston,

The true test of a people’s strength is how they rise to master the confrontation of evil. Today, we witnessed your unbreakable strength. Early reports are claiming the explosions caused 12 deaths and critically injured countless more. At a time when the instinct was to flee, men and women, after having heard the explosions, showed indestructible resolve in crossing the finish line and running directly to the hospital to donate blood.

These men and women are American heroes.

We will forever be, profoundly moved by today’s acts of heroism.

“Tonight the streets of heaven are too crowded with angels and every time we think we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and are reminded that that capacity may very well be limitless.”

Boston, today’s unconscionable acts may become the focus of the media going forward, but we will never forget the fortitude you displayed. Starting with the Sons of Liberty and leading up to the courageous individuals of today, you have forever been and will continue to be the iron will of America.

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Greg Lenz is a reformed Conservative. I've slowly evolved my position from Conservative Republican to it's current status of Libertarian Republican. I'm aware people hate the Libertarian Republican label, but ultimately I'm a pragmatist. Economic issues are my primary concern therefore I do support Republican candidates from time to time (Rand Paul 2016). As of late, I find myself flirting with Minarchism. The writings of William F. Buckley, Ayn Rand, and Thomas Jefferson have played the biggest role in shaping my beliefs.

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