Morrell: The Mike Pence Plan



This might come as a surprise to pretty much everyone: I am a Libertarian and a pragmatist. I want a slim government (Local, State, and Federal).

Governor Mike Pence is trying to pass a 10% tax cut on Indiana incomes. From a distance it sounds like a nice proposal. But to be honest, Indiana has pretty well right-sized government. Our constitution requires the state to provide some very important services. We have to provide for excellent common schools. Our citizens chose a state government that provides for top-notch transportation. Heck, our motto is “The Crossroads of America.”

The Pence plan would reduce our income taxes from 3.4 to 3.1%. If you make $35K a year, that is a tax burden of $1,190 bucks. The Pence plan saves you about $105 a year…Sorry but you are really not going to miss those savings.
Now the State Senate wants to reduce the proposed tax cut to a mere 3%. That is a whopping $45 bucks a year. That way the Senate can save face for the Governor’s campaign promise of cutting taxes. The Senate is simply trying to find a small victory that they can celebrate for the next cycle. We need real tax cuts, but not from Indiana’s income tax. We need them from federal taxes, local property taxes, and sales taxes. Of all of the taxes I pay, the Indiana income tax is probably the most reasonable.

Like I said, I am a Libertarian. I want to cut taxes, streamline government, and LIVE FREE. But for $45 bucks a year? Keep that cash and come up with a real way to make my life more free. Improve the roads, lower my property taxes, or repeal a law or two, or three.

Jeremiah Morrell is a Guest Contributor at We Are Libertarians. He was the 2012 LPIN candidate for State Representative in District 54, earning 27% of the vote. Jeremiah has served on the LPIN’s State Central Committee for three terms. He holds a BS in Management from Indiana Wesleyan University. As almost all other Libertarians, Jeremiah works a day job that allows him to work within the LP.  He is a Sales Representative at Gerdau, selling steel in Indiana and Kentucky.

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