Knarr: On the State of the Union Address

We need to socialize everything we can, ensure that only the government is armed for your own good, end the war in Afghanistan sometime (but only when Israel and AIPAC are ready for us to go to war somewhere else), improve the economy by spending more of your hard-earned dollars, and continue the policy of nation building and sending our money overseas. That is the sentiment of what I heard during President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address last night.

That is it in a nutshell. These are really the exact same policies that the Republicans are promoting – just wrapped in a different nutshell. When are we going to wake up and realize that whether it is a peanut or a macadamia nut, once we crack them open, they are still nuts?

How can we change it? Well, it’s easy really.

Bring the troops home tomorrow and let the Department of Defense concentrate on defense. Pass a balanced budget in 2013 and demand a balanced budget every year from here on out just like the rest of us have to do at home. Get the government out of healthcare, out of the way of our teachers, and out of our wallets. Stop the printing presses at the Federal Reserve and make the United States of America operate on a budget. Live on the hard work and sweat and blood this country was founded on.

Most importantly as my friend, Andy Horning always says, “If you keep voting for what you have always voted for, you will keep getting what you have always got.” It is time for a change from the two-party system. Check out your local or state Libertarian Party. We are the real voice for change and we will stand for what’s right for the American people each and every day.

Ken Knarr is a Guest Contributor. 

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